A trusted veterinary brand is collecting Australian data on a new flea treatment. The treatment has been shown to be effective and safe in studies conducted overseas. We are looking for dogs in Australian homes to try it out and get some feedback.

If your dog is eligible they will be assessed and then treated by our friendly qualified veterinary staff. The treatment will go on for 3 months.


  1. Read the information below (Is my dog eligible to join the study?)

  2. If you are interested, please complete the registration form or contact us for more information.

  3. Our staff will review the information you provide, and will follow-up with you by email or phone.

  4. If your dog meets the requirements, one of our staff will visit to check the health of your dog.

  5. If that is all OK, the 3 months of flea treatment will begin.


If you have 1-3 dogs with at least 6 fleas and they are eligible, our team will visit you and your dog(s), check your pet is healthy, flea comb them and assess them for fleas.

If your dog is enrolled in the study, our team will return a week later to assess your pet’s overall health, and start the flea treatment. Your dog will have three treatments, each lasting a month. There will be four visits in total over 3 months of the study, to check your dog’s overall health, and also check how many fleas he/she has.

If you have more than one dog, and all meet the criteria for the study, ONE will be formally enrolled as the study animal, and ALL your dogs will be treated for fleas.

Our staff will also phone from time to time to check on your pet.

To be eligible, your pet must:

  • have at least 6 live fleas

  • be older than 8 weeks and weigh at least 1.5kg

  • be generally healthy and easy to handle

ALSO - you must not have more than 3 dogs, and not more than 2 cats.

Please note: Your dog/s or home must not have recently been treated for fleas.


By participating in the study, you are helping us ensure products that make it into the Australian veterinary market are effective in the everyday Aussie home. You can also provide feedback that helps veterinary professional make products that are easy to use and fit in with your lifestyle.

At the beginning of the study a veterinarian will conduct a veterinary exam, just like the one your dogs receive at their annual check up, and this is completely free! In addition to this, and the flea treatment which lasts 3 months, you will also receive a WISH e-gift card to the value of $300 as our way of saying thank you for your committment!*

Our staff are friendly and highly trained veterinary professionals who will look after your pets and be in regular contact to ensure you are supported throughout the process. We will fit in with your schedule to make sure there is no inconvenience to you.

So give us a call, text, email or message, or register below and have one of our staff contact you to get started!

*Your pet must fit the criteria of the trial and successfully complete the treatment period in order to receive the gift card.

Register Now

Registrations for this trial have now closed. If youd like to stay updated on any future trials we are running, you can join our mailing list HERE.


Invetus veterinary staff visiting your household will wear a face mask, disposable gloves and gowns for the safety of you and your pet. Our staff have been trained in aseptic techniques.

Invetus complies with national and state public health orders. Physical distancing and hygiene measures inclusive of appropriate personal protective equipment will be used at each visit.

If you have any concerns please raise these with us, however we will discuss our COVID-19 safety measures in detail with you if you and your pet are eligible.